Emerald Cut Vs. Other Diamond Shapes – Which Is Right for You?

If you’re looking for the perfect diamond engagement ring, you may have questions about what shape is right for you. We’ve put together a guide to help you make an informed decision!
One of the most popular diamond shapes is the Princess cut. These square stones sparkle and are an excellent choice for couples who want a classic and shimmery diamond.
Emeralds Do Not Sparkle
Emerald-cut diamonds don’t sparkle in the same way that round brilliant or radiant-cut diamonds do. This is because emeralds are step cuts, meaning they have long rectangular facets instead of triangular shapes in round or radiant diamonds.
When you shop emerald cut engagement rings you should show bright light flashes in the center while still having a lot of sparkle on its edges. This is known as the hall of mirrors effect, making emerald-cut diamonds unique and coveted.
The key to finding an emerald cut with excellent sparkle is to ensure the stone has a high polish grade, which means it has very few flaws on the surface. Any imperfections on the surface of the emerald will reflect less light so that it won’t sparkle as much.
Another thing to consider when shopping for an emerald cut is clarity. While emeralds are natural gemstones, they have inclusions that can make them look hazy or dull. A stone with a VS1 or VS2 clarity rating is ideal.
As with other diamonds, emeralds will fade over time if exposed to moisture and dirt. They can also scratch easily and accumulate grease and soap, reducing their sparkle and brilliance. To keep your emeralds sparkling brightly, clean them regularly with warm water and soap.
Emeralds Are Not Affordable
Emeralds are among the rarest diamond shapes, so their price tags are high. However, they are still excellent and can be worth the extra money, especially considering their unique characteristics and rarity.
Color is a significant factor in determining the cost of an emerald, with greenish hues commanding higher prices than yellowish tints. Furthermore, clarity is more critical in emeralds than in many other gems, so top-quality stones with no inclusions can command a premium over treated ones with the same clarity level.
Another factor affecting their pricing is the country of origin and how it relates to the stone’s quality. Some deposits are rich in green emeralds, while others have relatively small amounts of these gems.
For example, Colombian emeralds are the most expensive, but their mining process is environmentally friendly and socially responsible. This is why Colombian emeralds have become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in the Chinese market.
If you’re looking for a beautiful emerald engagement ring, look for an emerald-cut diamond with a long-to-width ratio that appeals to you. This will help you create a more elegant, classic look in your ring without adornment or a standout center stone. You can pair your emerald-cut diamond with softer metalwork and less flashy gems for a more understated look.
Emeralds Are Not Easy to Find
Emeralds are one of the rarer gems and can be challenging to come by. They are also costly, with emeralds from desired mines such as Colombia carrying a premium over those from other locations.
Unlike diamonds, emeralds have no grading system and are valued as an individual gemstones. This means the same gem may be of higher or lower quality than another based on color, clarity, and cut.
As with any gemstone, emeralds can be faked or tampered with somehow. Seeing the stone in person is essential if you are curious if an emerald is real or fake.
If the gemstone is too perfect or has a lot of inclusions, it’s likely a lab-created stone. If the emerald is a synthetic gem, it’s likely to be cheaper than natural emeralds.
To know if a stone is genuine, look for minor flaws and check its color. If the stone is yellowish-green in the center and a greener hue around the edges, it’s probably a synthetic emerald.
Emeralds are also prone to cracking and chipping when they are struck. Choose a gem with no surface-reaching inclusions to reduce this, or set it in a protective setting. This will keep the stone from cracking when exposed to water or chemicals.
Emeralds Are Not For Everyone
Emeralds can have several characteristics that are only for some. The most important one is that they are rarer than diamonds, meaning they are more expensive. This is because it takes almost 2 1/2 times the effort to mine an emerald than it does to mine a diamond.
Another essential thing to remember is that a natural emerald has regular inclusions. These include gas, liquids, and other minerals that are formed during the emerald crystallization process. These can sometimes appear as a green or blue color, but they are more often a darker, pure green.
The inclusions can also create exciting patterns called ‘jardin’ (French for the garden). These beautiful patterns make no two emeralds the same and add to their value.
If you are worried about the cost of a natural emerald, lab-made emeralds are made from Earth materials and offer significant savings over natural gems. These are often sparklier and have better color than most natural emeralds, so they’re an excellent choice for those who want a stunning stone without the cost.
Many other diamond shapes are more appropriate for you, whether or not you prefer an Emerald cut. If you are interested in a non-round diamond, Princess or pear cuts can be an attractive alternative!