Why You Should Consider Keeping a Landline Phone in Your Home

Most people think landline phones are old technology, but there are still benefits to keeping one in your home. They are reliable, affordable, and offer incredible sound quality. Additionally, they’re immune to power outages, natural disasters, and poor weather. Plus, 911 calls from landlines are more likely to be tracked by emergency services, which can speed up response times.


With cellular networks and online messaging, landlines are going the way of the dinosaur. However, while standard home phone service typically costs $30 per month or less, bundling it with your internet or cable can save you money. Furthermore, this resource on landline phones can have various features not found on most cell phones, such as do not disturb, call waiting, and three-way calling. In addition, they often have better sound quality than mobile devices. Additionally, people who use landlines for business can count on consistent quality because their connections are not dependent on cellular signals. Also, landlines are tied to your address so emergency services can locate you if necessary. Finally, cell phones are easy to lose (and find in the mud or under the couch cushions). Landlines stay where you place them and help prevent misplacement. They also benefit from using them in areas where cell reception is poor.


The main reason why people keep landlines is for reliability. Unlike cell phones, which can lose service in various ways, landlines are always connected to phone networks and work as long as there is power. This is especially important for businesses that rely on voice calls or data services to communicate with customers. Many people also feel safer using a landline, as hacking into calls on the Wi-Fi or mobile network can be challenging. If you have business equipment that uses the PSTN, such as card payment machines or alarms, it may not work if you switch to VoIP. Speaking with your current supplier for advice before making a change is best. Having a landline phone can also help you in an emergency. If the power goes out, your landline will still work, whereas some phones that depend on a cellular connection can stop working without a charge. This gives you peace of mind in an emergency.

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The modern landline phone isn’t the clunky, outdated technology you might think. They’re sleek, digital, and feature-filled with the ability to have readable voicemails, modes like “Do Not Disturb,” and even location functions. Most of these phones are also bundled with other services such as home internet, security systems, and cable TV. Cellphones rely on wireless technology, which means the quality of calls can drop or suffer from interference. This can happen at any time, causing frustration during conversations.

On the other hand, a landline can guarantee that your call won’t drop due to bad reception or signal. Additionally, cell phones can be easily misplaced. From leaving it in a restaurant to losing it underneath the couch cushions, cell phones can be lost anywhere at any time. A landline is wired to one specific spot in your home, making losing it much harder. This could be a life-saving benefit if someone has a medical emergency and needs to call 911.


While most of our phone calls are now made via digital technology that relies on radio waves, landlines are still connected to metal wires. This makes them much more secure. Unlike your cellular call, which travels over a massive global network, landline calls are encrypted and cannot be tapped, hacked, or manipulated. That’s why many credit card companies ask you to call from a home phone number for your safety and privacy.

It’s also much more complicated to lose a landline phone than your cell phone, and you can often avoid unsolicited calls by setting them on silent or blocking telemarketing numbers. Plus, the display function of a landline will show your name and address when someone calls you — something that can be important in case an emergency occurs where 911 needs to know where you live and who is calling you!

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